Hello guys!
I will tell you about my experience in Edu Passion 2019 called Agranasta.
First, i will tell y’all about edu passion.Edu Passion is an annual event in SMA Negeri 3 Bandung. This event is made so the students can learn about their passion in the next level of education. There are university stands and class presentation from both public and private universities. There are also food tenants and many other performances in order to entertain the audience. We also invite high school students all over Bandung to join the event. What makes this year's Edu Passion special is the Governor of West Java, Mr. Ridwan Kamil, attend the opening ceremony.
I was one of the student's committee of Edu Passion 2019 especially in occasion division. So i was involved in the preparation of the event. I went to school at 6 am and i prepared everything before the event start. And in that day im very busy because i did so many job such as preparing the classes before the presentation begin, calling the LO to contact the university studeny to begin the presentation, and more. And so far it was fun.
Fortunately, the event went smoothly without any major problem.
Speaking about passion, I'm still wondering what my passion is. When I was in the elementary school, I want to be a pilot but right now I didn't want to be a pilot anymore because I'm scared in everything about air forve. Then, when i was in the junior high school, i want to be a doctor because i thought that if we became a docter we will be rich. But the reality is not same as my expecatio . To be a doctor we must study more long than other faculties, and there are many step before be a doctor. So i dont want to be a doctor now. But now, i want to be an engineer or a consultant. I think i am a thinker type of person, so i think that job are suit for me. But i dont think so. If i can choose, i want to study at Bandung Institue of Technology especially in Industrical Technic. I hope it can be. Aamiin.
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