Topic 1 : This House would Apply Death Penalty for Corruptor

- It depends on how big the corruptor faults.
- It can be effective or ineffective.

Topic 2: This House would Ban Pornography

Opening Government:
- Pornography is addictive.
- Pornography may degrade relationships quality.
- Pornography is a disgrace for women.

Closing Government:
- Pornography can damage children's brain.
- Pornography may disturb certain people.
- There are cases where children watch pornography together in internet cafes.

Opening Opposition:
- Pornography are not that harmful.
- Pornography reduce risk of prostate cancer.
- Pornography is a form of sex education.

Closing Opposition:
- Pornography is a source of profit.
- Pornography can be a source for education.

My Winner: I choose Opening Government because their arguments are good.

Topic 3: This House Believe that Reality Shows Bring More Harm

Opening Government:
- Reality shows contain less moral value.
- TV Station prefer rating to quality.
- Reality shows are inappropriate for children.

Closing Government:
- Children tend to imitate the content of the reality shows.
- Children are unable to distinguish good and bad things in reality shows.
- Reality shows often tell lies (scripted scenarios).

Opening Opposition:
- Reality shows can entertain many peoples.
- Reality shows may be a source of motivation.
- Some of the reality shows contain moral values.

Closing Opposition:
- Reality shows are interesting to watch.
- Many TV stations are popular because of their reality shows.

My Winner: I choose Closing Government because they have logical facts.

Topic 4: This House would not Use National Exam for Graduation Standard

Im the participant on this topic.


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